What Is Greenville’s Vision Zero Action Plan to Reduce Traffic Accidents?

by | Jul 18, 2024 | Auto Accidents

greenville-woman-rubbing-neck-after-car-accidentBetween 2013 and 2022, approximately 88 people were killed and more than 10,000 were injured in traffic accidents in Greenville, according to the Greenville Journal and City of Greenville. In response, the city has revealed a plan to significantly reduce traffic-related fatalities throughout the city – the Vision Zero Action Plan.

What Is the Vision Zero Action Plan?

A Vision Zero Action Plan is a comprehensive strategy aimed at eliminating all traffic fatalities and severe injuries. This ambitious goal is achieved through a combination of engineering, education, enforcement, and policy changes.

Key Components of Greenville’s Vision Zero Action Plan include:

  • Data-Driven Approach: Identifying high-risk areas and understanding crash patterns to target interventions effectively.
  • Engineering Improvements: Modifying road infrastructure, such as adding bike lanes, improving intersections, and reducing speed limits.  
  • Education and Awareness: Promoting safe driving behaviors, pedestrian safety, and cyclist safety through public campaigns.  
  • Enforcement: Enforcing traffic laws to deter dangerous driving and hold offenders accountable.
  • Policy Changes: Implementing laws and regulations that prioritize safety, such as stricter drunk driving laws and increased funding for pedestrian and bike infrastructure.
  • Community Engagement: Involving residents, businesses, and other stakeholders in the planning and implementation process.

Ultimately, the goal of a Vision Zero Action Plan is to create a transportation system where everyone, regardless of their mode of transportation, feels safe and protected.

Steps Taken to Implement the Vision Zero Action Plan

Greenville, SC has officially embraced the Vision Zero philosophy, aiming to eliminate traffic fatalities and severe injuries within its city limits. While the comprehensive Vision Zero Action Plan is still under development, the city has already taken significant steps towards this goal.

Pedestrian Safety Action Plan

female-pedestrian-almost-being-hit-by-vehicleThe city implemented a Pedestrian Safety Action Plan as a precursor to the Vision Zero plan. This has focused on improving pedestrian safety by identifying high-risk areas and proposing solutions like improved crosswalks and traffic signals.

Collecting Data

The city has taken a data-driven approach by collecting and analyzing traffic data to pinpoint problem areas and inform targeted interventions.

Engineering Improvements

Greenville is investing in road infrastructure upgrades, including bike lanes, wider sidewalks, and improved intersection designs. The city has hired expert engineers to handle these tasks, which are moving forward quickly.

Education and Awareness Campaigns

Efforts are underway to educate the public about safe driving, walking, and biking practices. The city has started working with police officers and other public safety patrols to educate children in schools and at-risk neighborhoods, as well as bikers, pedestrians, and others who need to be aware of the risks on the road.


Greenville has implemented increased traffic enforcement to deter dangerous driving behaviors. It’s important to note that the Vision Zero plan is an ongoing process, and Greenville is committed to involving the community in shaping its future.

Next Steps for Greenville’s Vision Zero Action Plan

Greenville’s city engineers will be collecting public comments and using them to create a safer environment within the city. The engineers will present a comprehensive plan to the city council, which will review and vote on next steps.

A key component will also be receiving federal grants to achieve the Vision Zero Action Plan’s engineering goals. This will require interaction with the public, engineers, and city officials.

Most Dangerous Roads in Greenville

aerial-view-of-greenville-SCThe Vision Zero plan has identified some of the most dangerous roadways in Greenville. Data collected from traffic accident sources indicate that the following roads are the most dangerous in the city:

  •       US-25: This road has been the site of numerous fatal accidents. The stretch between Frontage Road and Farrs Bridge Road is particularly concerning.
  •       Laurens Road: Known for heavy traffic and multiple intersections, this road has seen a significant number of crashes and fatalities.
  •       White Horse Road: This road is notorious for its high accident rate, especially involving pedestrians.
  •       Woodruff Road: Similar to Laurens Road, Woodruff Road faces challenges due to heavy traffic and complex intersections.
  •       Pleasantburg Drive: This road, especially the stretch between Lowndes Hill Road and Wade Hampton Boulevard, is known for its complex intersections and high pedestrian traffic.

With this data, Greenville will target these unsafe roads and make changes to the infrastructure, including sidewalks, traffic signals, bike lanes, and more.

Vision Zero Action Plan Success

The success of Vision Zero action plans varies widely across cities. While the concept is undeniably ambitious and well-intentioned, achieving the ultimate goal of zero traffic fatalities and injuries is a complex challenge.

Factors Influencing Success

Several factors contribute to the varying degrees of success:

  • Level of Commitment: Cities with strong political will and sustained financial investment in Vision Zero tend to see greater progress.
  • Data-Driven Approach: Effective implementation relies on comprehensive data analysis to identify problem areas and measure the impact of interventions.
  • Community Engagement: Involving residents in the planning and implementation process is important for building support and ensuring that the plan addresses community needs.
  • Collaboration: Partnerships between transportation departments, law enforcement, public health officials, and community organizations are essential.
  • Infrastructure Improvements: Investing in safer road designs, such as wider sidewalks, bike lanes, and improved intersections, is a cornerstone of Vision Zero.
  • Enforcement and Education: Stricter enforcement of traffic laws and public education campaigns about safe driving, walking, and biking are vital components.

Examples of Success

While no city has completely eliminated traffic fatalities, some have shown significant progress:

  • New York City: Has seen a substantial reduction in traffic fatalities through a combination of engineering improvements, increased enforcement, and public awareness campaigns.
  • Stockholm, Sweden: Often cited as a pioneer of Vision Zero, the city has achieved a dramatic decrease in traffic fatalities.

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