Texting and Driving kills. Here are some apps that can help parents make sure their kids (and themselves) are driving safe:
- Canary is a free app that puts all the information in the hands of the parent. It offers textnotification any time a child texts, tweets, or answers a call while driving. Canary will alsoprovide notifications when the teenage driver exceeds a certain speed or goes outside a set perimeter on the map, so you’ll always know that your child is where they are supposed to be.
- CellControl is designed to disable only the driver’s phone, leaving other passengers free to use their phones normally. CellControl prevents behaviors that have been defined ahead of time: texting, taking selfies, using social media accounts, and playing games, among others. It can also be set to simply monitor usage to determine whether or not a teenage driver is using their phone responsibly.
- Drive First is an app from Sprint. Your phone automatically locks when you start driving, so no need to start or stop the app, and it automatically replies to texts. Drive First does allow you to set 3 driving apps, such as maps or music, so you can get what you need without being tempted to text. You can also set some contacts to bypass the block so important people (like your babysitter or boss) aren’t blocked every time you get into the car.
- Live2Txt is an app that turns off texts and incoming calls on command. Live2Txt also sends a message to anyone sending a text or a call so that they know you are driving and won’t continue trying to contact you.
- TextArrest allows parents to control the ways in which a phone can be used while in a moving vehicle. It can also be set up to notify parents when the teenage driver overrides the Text Arrest function, travels outside a certain geographic area, or exceeds the speed limit. The app will also allow the phone to be used in the event of an emergency with parent notification.
- TextLimit prevents predefined features on a phone from functioning when the phone is moving above a certain speed. Once the phone goes back under the predetermined speed, the Text Limit restores all features and they are fully functional once more.
- tXt Blocker It shuts down the phone completely when your teen is driving (and lets you set up “No-Cell Zones” to prevent texting from work or school) that teens can’t hack around. You can also track and find your teen through the tXtBlocker website and see reports on how safely they’re driving.
- DriveScribe blocks incoming calls and texts when the car is moving above a certain speed. In addition, the DriveScribe app notifies drivers who are traveling too fast.
- Safe Driver. This app monitors location and driving practices. The app can even send an alert to parents of infractions and where they occurred.
- Zoom Safer. This is another app that limits access to texting, calling and browsing while driving.
If you need help with a car accident caused by a distracted driver, please call Venus Poe, PA at 864-963-0310 or click here to fill out an online case evaluation form. We handle case across South Carolina and have offices in Greenville, South Carolina and Fountain Inn, South Carolina to better serve you. There is no obligation or charge for our initial consultation to see if we can help you with your case.