Tips for Improving Motorcycle Safety—For Everyone Because motorcycles are much smaller than other vehicles, motorcycle accidents are oftentimes the result of another driver not being able to see the bike and, consequently, pulling out in front of or turning into the...
Does Your Injuries Qualify for Workers’ Compensation Benefits in South Carolina?
What Type of Injuries May Qualify for South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Benefits? Generally speaking, any injury you suffer while performing your normal work duties may entitle you to workers’ compensation benefits. Some exceptions apply, such as if you were...
South Carolina Workers’ Compensation and Office-Related Injuries
Workers’ Compensation and Office-Related Injuries: What is Covered? Workplace injuries can be stressful, severe, and life-changing. Such injuries can range from a slip and fall to an accident with workplace equipment to repetitive stress injuries and beyond. All South...
What Medical Treatment is Covered by Workers’ Compensation in South Carolina?
How much of your medical expenses for Worker’s Compensation cover if you are injured in a work-related accident South Carolina? The Worker’s Compensation carrier should cover 100% of your medical expenses for any injury you suffer as a result of a work-related injury...
Prevent Driving Accidents in the Rain This Summer
Tips for Driving Safely in Rainy Weather While many people think—and worry about—winter driving—especially in areas that receive considerable snowfall and other winter hazards—far less consideration is given to spring and summer rainy weather driving. While showers...
What’s Going on in The Upstate of South Carolina for the 4th of July?
Upstate South Carolina 4th of July Events Well, it’s that time of year again—time for Independence Day and the wonderful events across the U.S. to celebrate our nation’s independence. In upstate South Carolina, there are a number of fun 4th of July events scheduled...
Making Driving Safer Through Technology
How Modern Technology is Making Driving Safer The seeming lightning speed at which new technology is developed and made available in all aspects of our lives is truly amazing. Perhaps nowhere is this evolution more evident than in transportation and traffic safety....
Stay Safe this Summer. Boating Safety in South Carolina
Boating Safety in South Carolina Heading out to the lake with a boat or sailing along the coast with friends or family is a summertime tradition that South Carolinians anticipate each year. Whether you are passionate about fishing or simply love to lounge around at...
Distracted Driving and Automobile Accidents: A Deadly Link
Every day in the U.S., approximately nine people are killed while more than 1,000 people are injured in automobile accidents due to distracted driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2015, of the 48,613 fatal automobile...
Is My Employer Responsible For My Back Injury Caused by Lifting at Work?
Back injuries are one of the most common work related injuries. According to the United States Department of Labor, in 2015, musculoskeletal disorders , such as sprains or strains resulting from overexertion in lifting, accounted for 31 percent of the total cases for...