If you suffer an injury on the job, there’s always a chance it will keep you out of work for an extended period of time. When this is the case, it’s critical that you understand your legal rights, which could lead you to learn more about the workers’ compensation...
Timing is everything when returning from workers’ compensation
Getting back to work amid a workers’ compensation claim can seem like you’re walking a tightrope. Juggling a return to your normal life and getting the benefits you need can be a difficult proposition. Even though you might be stressing about the days you’ve already...
What to do After You Suffer a Workers’ Compensation Injury in South Carolina
Steps to Take After You Suffer an On-The-Job Injury in South Carolina A workplace accident can occur at any time, on any day, and in any occupation. It is crucial to understand the steps in the South Carolina workers’ compensation process to ensure that if you are...
Does Your Injuries Qualify for Workers’ Compensation Benefits in South Carolina?
What Type of Injuries May Qualify for South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Benefits? Generally speaking, any injury you suffer while performing your normal work duties may entitle you to workers’ compensation benefits. Some exceptions apply, such as if you were...
South Carolina Workers’ Compensation and Office-Related Injuries
Workers’ Compensation and Office-Related Injuries: What is Covered? Workplace injuries can be stressful, severe, and life-changing. Such injuries can range from a slip and fall to an accident with workplace equipment to repetitive stress injuries and beyond. All South...
What Medical Treatment is Covered by Workers’ Compensation in South Carolina?
How much of your medical expenses for Worker’s Compensation cover if you are injured in a work-related accident South Carolina? The Worker’s Compensation carrier should cover 100% of your medical expenses for any injury you suffer as a result of a work-related injury...
Who is Covered Under Workers’ Compensation in South Carolina?
Who is Covered Under Worker’s Compensation in South Carolina? Employees of companies in South Carolina who have four or more regular employees are covered under the South Carolina Worker’s Compensation Act, with a few exceptions. The act defines “employee” broadly....
When does my employer have to pay me for loss time under the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act?
If you are injured on the job and are written out of work by your doctor, your employer must start paying you for your loss time from work on your eight missed day. In other words, if you are out of work for more than seven days, payments will come from your...
How Much is My Workers’ Compensation Case Worth?
Every case is different. There are three main parts to a worker’s compensation case. First, you should get medical care for your work-related injury. Second, you should get paid for your time that you are written out of work by the authorized treating physician....
What is an “Average Weekly Wage” in South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Claims?
When you are out of work because of an injury occurring at work you are entitled to pay after the seventh day you miss. Your compensation is determined by a formula in the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act. Your compensation is calculated at the rate of 66 2/3...